TV Review: We Are The Flash

Well, I mean, considering I only blogged about Ralph's episodes, I think the fact that you're seeing this entry here is in itself a spoiler.

So, Ralph's death was felt on The Flash after his "death" sometime back. The following episode featured Barry (Grant Gustin) coming to terms with losing Ralph, and in the episode before this one, he is hesitant to put more of his team in harm's way, remembering what happened to Ralph.

In those episodes, we finally learned what DeVoe's plan was: to wipe humanity's minds, putting them back at square one in the collective mental development. Seemingly close to winning, we finally saw DeVoe (Neil Sandilands) losing it, and his wife Marlize (Kim Englebrecht) finally began to recognize that he didn't truly love her. Iris (Candice Patton) and Harry (Tom Cavanagh) find Marlize and bring her to help them stop DeVoe's plot.

So, as this episode begins, Cecile (Danielle Nicolet) is having contractions. Using DeVoe's chair and Cecile's mental powers, Barry is able to enter DeVoe's mind for a final showdown. But will it be before the Enlightenment can fully take effect?

So... spoilers after I say what I thought of the episode and how to watch it.

After the downer of losing Ralph (and watching Avengers: Infinity War), I was hoping the finale would be uplifting. I'll admit, I was going after leaks and set photos and came up with a prediction that was about 50% accurate. I'm glad to report that yes, we do have a "good" ending.

Viewers in the US may view "We Are The Flash" at no charge during a limited availability window on the CW website and app. With the current licensing agreement, the entire fourth season of The Flash will be available on Netflix in June, 2018. Digital versions of the episode may be purchased on iTunes, Amazon Instant Video, Vudu, Google Play and other retailers of digital video content. Blu-Ray and DVD copies of the season are expected to be available for sale in or by September, 2018.

Non-US viewers should check their local listings, the websites of the channels that air The Flash, and digital video retailers.

Now for the spoiler talk, so...

If you haven't seen the episode and don't want it spoiled, this is your warning to click away...

Barry finds Ralph wandering around in DeVoe's mind and after finding that the "good" version of DeVoe is dead, Barry takes Ralph to the nexus of DeVoe's mind, letting Ralph take control of his body. Ralph even suits up as the Elongated Man again and assists in saving Central City from the falling STAR Labs satellite.

So, it looks as if Ralph may very well be continuing on The Flash or in the Arrowverse at large next season. Hopefully we see him more as a detective and meeting Sue.

The finale didn't address one question from the last episode about Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker): DeVoe had seemingly disabled her Killer Frost powers. It was revealed that she'd always been able to turn into Killer Frost, but her quest to find a trigger to bring Killer Frost back is not answered.

Where Ralph could fit in James Gunn's DCU (and Plastic Man too!)

 So, hi! I haven't forgotten about this blog, it's just time gets away from me, there's other stuff I want to handle. If I could...