TV Review: "A Flash of the Lightning" and "Dead Man Running"

All right. Unless we get major episodes of The Flash to discuss (like the season premiere two weeks ago) or they feature Ralph heavily, I'm gonna just do biweekly reviews.

"A Flash of the Lightning" saw Barry (Grant Gustin) trying to determine the truth of the Monitor's (LaMonica Garrett) prediction that he will die in the upcoming Crisis. Unable to travel in time, he heads to Earth-3 where Jay Garrick (John Wesley Shipp) and his wife Joan Williams (Michelle Harrison, who also played Barry's deceased mother Nora Allen) help Barry look forward in time.

Meanwhile, Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker) is unimpressed at an art gallery Cisco (Carlos Valdes) and Ralph have brought her to. Our two friends on Team Flash try to figure out why Killer Frost is so icy towards art.

Cecile (Daniele Nicolet) has apprehended a young metahuman woman named Allegra (Kayla Campton) who was identified as a murderer. However, Cecile's powers are indicating that the suspect is not guilty. But as the victim was killed with blasts of ultraviolet radiation—a possibility of Allegra's power—who else could it have been?

"A Flash of the Lightning" keeps up good, character-building stories that stay contained to one episode while doing justice to the characters we know and love, often even better as Barry becomes more self-reliant in figuring out how to handle the tasks he faces as a superhero.

"Dead Man Running" saw a nice Ralph plot as we met his mother, Debbie (Amy Pietz). She has been identified as a perpetrator of an armed robbery. However, Ralph discovers that his mother has been lying to him about her ex-boyfriends by saying they died. The two need to be honest with each other.

Meanwhile, Barry helps Killer Frost deal with the news that the Crisis will be happening sooner than they thought as they help Ramsey Rosso (Sendhil Ramamurthy) deal with an undead metahuman.

Finally, Allegra gets a lead on a surprisingly alive Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh)—the Earth-1 version actually died many years ago, being replaced by a disguised Eobard Thawne, who "died" during the first season's finale—but Iris (Candice Patton) knows that this is a version of Wells from a different world in the Multiverse and takes it upon herself to find him, but doesn't tell Allegra the truth.

"Dead Man Running" offered a good look at Ralph's past as we look forward to his future. In addition, we're building nicely towards Bloodwork's ultimate goal and leading up to Crisis. In addition, we're delving into Killer Frost's character as she is given control of Caitlin's body for the time being. So far, so good this season.

Viewers in the US may view "A Flash of the Lightning" and "Dead Man Running" at no charge during a limited availability window on the CW website and app. With the current licensing agreement, the entire sixth season of The Flash will be available on Netflix by June 2020. Digital versions of the episodes may be purchased on iTunes, Amazon Instant Video, Vudu, Google Play and other retailers of digital video content. Blu-Ray and DVD copies of the season are expected to be available for sale in or by September, 2020.

Non-US viewers should check their local listings, the websites of the channels that air The Flash, and digital video retailers.

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